Protection of forests against fire is given a great significance since fire represents a serious threat to forests and forest eco-systems and especially to the forests of Deliblato and Subotica Sands.

In order to prevent fire outbreaks as well as to effectively distinguish forest fire, Forest Fire Protection Plan has been developed in accordance with the Book of Rules on Fire Protection of Forests.

This Protection Plan foresees the following preventive and firefighting measures:

  • the assessment of fire endangerment level for certain types of forests has been conducted for the existing forests managed by the Company;
  • monitoring of climate conditions and the state of burnable material in order to estimate existing fire hazards;
  • organised monitoring and informing about forest fires throughout the fire seasons.
  • organising active watches in forest administrations and holdings during increased fire hazards;
  • emergency intervention teams have been established and equipped within forest holdings, whose task is to extinguish fire in initial phase of its outbreak and spreading;
  • in extremely endangered areas, such as forests in the areas of sands, the fire lookout towers, barriers and water intake structures have been constructed.
  • implementation of relevant forest-breeding measures aimed at reducing the risk of fire outbreak and spread.
  • rehabilitation of picnic sites and control of using and starting a fire;
  • instructing local population and school children about the needs for forest fire protection.
  • printing and distribution of promotional material on fire hazards and fire endangerment of forests.

In implementation of protective measures, the Company has very good cooperation with the Firefighters Service of the Ministry of Interior and firefighting associations.