Public Company “Vojvodinašume”, in addition to its main activity of cultivation and protection of forest, is engaged in production of timber assortment, mainly soft broad-leaved trees, Pedunculate Oak, ash-tree and black locust, and to some smaller extent conifer assortment and other hard broad-leaved trees.

In addition to production of timber assortment, the company deals with the production of forest seed and forest and horticultural planting material for their own, as well as the market purposes. In production, the dominating planting material is that of selected varieties of poplars and willows, as well as Pedunculate Oak seed.

Hunting, fishery, hunting and fishing tourism make a significant and advanced offer, including the possibility for accommodation and stay in hunting and forest lodges.

The specialised section of the company for hunting and hunting tourism, apart from pheasant breeding, offers a number of other services in the field of hunting tourism on the whole territory of Vojvodina.

Other activities include collecting common juniper berries and extraction of ethereal oils, rejected deer antlers, manufacture of souvenirs and other.